ATS Expansion v5.0 1.49
Latest Update v5
-add city of Guthrie Texas
-add city of Roundup Montana
-add city of Cortez Colorado
-add city of Westcliffe Colorado
-add city of Heart Butte Montana
-new ranch at Judith Gap
-new ranch at Chinook
-some fixes at Lincoln
-add horse ranch with horse/buffalo/hay locations at Heart Butte
-add prairie sand & gravel rock quarry at Heart Butte
-add ranch to Cortez
-add new Nova Custom Logging site to East Glacier, now 2 sites at E Glacier
-various fixes around the map
-add Prairie Sand & Gravel quarry to Havre
-new pasture pens outside Roundup
-switch mine outside Roundup that was attched to Billings, now attached to Roundup
-add new sheep ranch north of Rock Springs Wyoming off of US 30
-finish the rest of the East Glacier road Project
-add hay and grain at Limon ranch
-add hay and grain at Bozeman location
-add Sale Barn at Grand Junction w/livestock and hay
-add Twin Falls ranch with livestock/hay/grain
-add chutes at Bushnell Fort Collins
-add 6666 Horse Ranch at Guthrie
It is NOT compatible with 1.49 beta!