Ford F150 SVT Raptor Truck v1.1
Mod converted from ETS2
Original authors made this mod for ETS2 so i make it compatible with ATS.
– Standalone
– Find at Kenworth Dealer
– Tuning parts
– Tested ATS v1.0
Version 1.1:
* No need Truck Pack v1.5 from Alabeo
* Corrected some errors
* Added some missing texture
* Compressed .rar (330Mb to 53Mb, better for low connexion)
=> At the moment for the car work properly need truck mod Freighliner FLB (sorry for convenience).
Load order :
– F150 SVT Raptor
– Freightliner FLB
– ohers mod
Thx for all modders and SCS forum to make this mod real.
Review 1080p: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBkByQfWjI8
Hi, please use url in video description to our website and we will publish your video.
Any chance for a “pilot car” skin in maybe either yellow or white. Wide load signs optional?