Uploading to other host or site is not allowed! (Only with permission)
Editing on this map mod is ONLY for personal use (Not allowed to upload your edited version)
If is see someone that does this he will be warned, and second time i see it the map won’t be uploaded anymore, update’s and news is then only available in private group on facebook!
Thanks for downloading the map.
Map Maker: Rob Viguurs. Member of 246 Studios
Changelog: New cities Nenana and Anchorage! Added HDR. Improved roads: ice lake’s! lot of new details like Different trees and objects, and you can start in Atlantica and Fairbanks! (new cities and more roads are coming!)
Map with module = realistic time and km but not compactible with other maps.
Map with no module = no time and km realism change but compactible with other maps and you can drive on last profile.
Installation instructions:
Step 1: read this readme carefully.
Step 2: Put USA offroad alaska map v1.2 by Rob Viguurs in your documents -> American truck simulator -> mods.
Step 3: Start the game and make NEW profile!
Step 4: Activate the mod.
Step 5: Select the game MODULE ”USA offroad road” (if you don’t select the game module the map won’t work) (The game module is located in the bodum of your screen when you select your truck and name enz…)
Step 6: Play the game.
Extra!: Activate the economy mod v0.3 it is ONLY for with module!
if you use this with NO MODULE version you will get very short delivery’s but overprice. It is only suited for MODULE version.
THE ECONOMY MOD IS OPTINAL so it is not needed to run the mod map mod.
Installation instructions NO MODULE:
Step 1: read this readme carefully.
Step 2: Put USA offroad alaska map v1.2 by Rob Viguurs in your documents -> American truck simulator -> mods.
Step 3: Start the game.
Step 4: Activate the mod.
Step 5: play the game.
For more info, help or contact me: ”Facebook: Rob Viguurs” ”Gmail: robviguurs99@gmail.com”
Happy trucking.
246 Studios
Its works but the problem is the road are not covered by snow..why is happening like this ??
how do u pick those passengers? when i drive into the spot it sounds like i crushed in to something
Can you please fix this so it can be played with the Hawaii and coast to coast maps.
Thank you
ATS USA OFFROAD ALASKA MAP…. All tho I love the concept of this map,what a beauty, I tryed it out and the outmost regions the roads are way to bumpy and snow feel like crashing in to stone not new fallen or hard packed snow. These roads are narrow and long enough you didn’t have to add that bumpy surface it totaly destroy the feling and the immersion. It make it imposible to deliver anything to those out far regions with a W900 if it is not moded to a off road vehicle wich it is not in this game, so map in it self serve no purpose in the game as it is now. 🙁
Unless you take of that ridiculous stony surface on the narrow roads.I am sad to say I wont be playing this map again but hope you take some of my suggestion to consideration and change this surface to just narrow smal tricky roads yes there could be obstacle but should be able to find away past without damage the cargo.
Then I would gladly use this map again.
You have done some great work on this map no doubt about that, but you kinda over did the part with off road a bit. There are no trailers avail to deliver on roads like that in this game with out breaking them.
So rely hope you do fix this and this map would be freecking awesome. 😀
i know what you mean i have a off road tire mod and even with those tires on the trucks still get stuck on some of the junctions in the off road part but it is still an awsome map though
I can not get this to work.
hill on the way to prudo bay is way to steep can’t even climb it with an 840hp cat
Thanks for this map. But can you make it compatible with other maps like mexuscan for example. When we use this map and mexuscan there are some bugs. Thanks a lot!
supporter Indonesia my ats v 1.2.x.x . thank you so much.
it keeps crashing on me when i start it up